Welcome to the Maling Market website
Here you will find samples of the top quality pieces currently in stock.
Just click here to view the pieces in our Product Gallery.
These are just a few examples of our current stock.
If you have any questions, or have any particular areas of interest not covered by these items please contact us.
Maling Market is situated in the heart of Maling Country in North-East England.
- All items are available NOW!
- Fill in your details on our contact page.
- We can then advise you of shipping costs.
- Payment by money order in pounds sterling (for immediate dispatch). We also accept PayPal. Or personal cheque in pounds sterling (dispatched when cheque has cleared).
- Buyer is responsible for shipping costs, insurance and any duties that may accrue.
- If you have any futher questions regarding any of the items featured here, then simply contact us.